Is Dark Chocolate good for you?

    Fatty Acids

    Strengthens Vision and Brain Function

    Helps maintain good overall health, providing essential fatty acids that our body cannot produce itself.


    Improves Digestion

    Known to help reduce inflammation in the gut and improve digestion.


    Boosts Energy Production

    Magnesium helps convert food into energy. Also helps promote good bone health by supporting the production of certain hormones.


    Keeps Organs Healthy

    Essential for good organ functionality, maintaining the nervious system, and strong bones.


    Fights Bacteria & Viruses

    Zinc also helps wounds heal properly, aids our sense of taste and smell, and ensures proper development during pregnancy.


    Boosts Oxygen Circulation

    Helps in the creation of red blood cells, which carry oxygen around the body.


    Regulates Fluid and Electrical Activity

    Responsible for regulating fluid balance and controlling the electrical activity of the heart and other muscles.


    Protects Cells

    Helps stabilise free radicals, protecting cells from potentially dangerous mutations.


    Nutritional value in 4 pieces of Dark Chocolate...
    (% RDA in 40g)

    Loads of...

    A good amount of...

    A small amount of...

    A tiny amount of

    Absent Nutrients:

    Recommended Daily Allowance (RDA) % shown for adult females, as published by the NHS (UK).

    Medical Research into eating Dark Chocolate

    can help lower the risk of

    Heart Disease

    Reliability: Early Evidence. [1]

    can help prevent

    High Blood Pressure

    Reliability: Early Evidence. [1]

    Lists Containing Dark Chocolate

    Best Foods for Weight Loss

    Delicious and versatile foods to form part of a healthy diet for weight loss. Remember the ultimate goal is to reduce calorie intake whilst eating these kinds of healthy foods.

    Best Foods for Brain Function

    Foods which have been shown to improve cognitive function in test environments.

    Best Sources of Antioxidants

    Antioxidants are molecules which can help stabilise other 'free radicals' in the body, to stop them mutating into something dangerous like cancer. So far, trials have not yet proven that increasing the intake of antioxidants can prevent cancer.

    Best Foods for Clearing Acne

    Foods commonly recommended by dermatologists, to help clear up skin conditions like Acne.

    Best Foods that Lower Your Blood Pressure

    Foods low in Sodium, and rich in Potassium, which should form part of a diet aimed to reduce blood pressure and improve heart health.

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