Very. Water must be consumed to replace fluid lost by your body throughout the day. It's vital to most organs and processes throughout the body, and has been proven to improve mental and physical performance. Staying hydrated forms the basis of all healthy diets, and it's important to point out that water is found within lots of foods as well as out of the tap.
Strong signs of helping to clear up skin conditions, or being used in effective skin treatments.
Known to help reduce inflammation in the gut and improve digestion.
Shown to be part of a low-cholestorol diet, helping to keep your heart healthy.
A widely shared remedy for feeling better after a big night out on the sauce.
Consumed by endurance athletes as it's rumored to boost sporting performance.
A widely shared remedy for easing that sick feeling.
Relaxes the blood vessels in the brain, bringing relief to many headache sufferers.
Nutritional value in a glass of Water...
(% RDA in 235g)
Absent Nutrients: Energy, Protein, Carbohydrate, Fiber, Sugars, Iron, Phosphorus, Potassium, Zinc, Vitamin C, Thiamin, Riboflavin, Niacin, Vitamin B6, Folate, Vitamin B12, Vitamin A, Vitamin E, Vitamin D, Vitamin K, Fatty acids, Fatty acids, Cholesterol, Caffeine
Recommended Daily Allowance (RDA) % shown for adult females, as published by the NHS (UK).
Foods rich in protein which contain good fats, commonly eaten by those looking to gain muscle mass.
Foods commonly recommended by dermatologists, to help clear up skin conditions like Acne.
Foods recommended by nutritionists to improve digestive health.
Good sources of slow-release energy to help performance in endurance sports.
Yes. In fact, drinking too much water can lead to serious consequences. Water intoxication (water poisoning) causes cells on your body to swell, and in extreme cases can cause death. Fortunately, known cases have involved drinking over 6 liters in 3 hours, which most people would find extremely difficult.