Is Polenta good for you?


    Builds Muscle

    An excellent source of protein, used for building and repairing tissues.


    Provides Slow Release Energy

    Carbs supply the body with glucose, which is converted to energy. It's released slowly which helps avoid spikes in blood sugar levels.


    Nutritional value in one serving of Polenta...
    (% RDA in 10g)

    Sorry, the nutrient data for Polenta is currently missing. Please check back in the next couple of weeks.

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    Medical Research into eating Polenta

    There is no research data yet, but this will be updated very soon! Check Google →

    Lists Containing Polenta

    Best Low Fodmap Foods

    Fructose, Lactose, Fructans and Galactans are known as FODMAPs – small carbohydrates, which can be the cause of many forms of digestive discomfort. Dieticians often recommend following a low-FODMAP diet to relieve recurrent bloating, gas, cramps, diarrhea or constipation.

    Most Versatile Gluten-free Foods

    Some people have bad reactions to gluten, which is a protein found in wheat, barley and rye. This is known as Celiac disease. Here are some versatile, safe foods for Celiac sufferers.

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