Magnesium helps convert food into energy. Also helps promote good bone health by supporting the production of certain hormones.
Essential for good organ functionality, maintaining the nervious system, and strong bones.
Niacin helps maintain general good health, and in high doses can help lower cholesterol.
Vitamin B6 is important in helping your body store energy from protein and carbs. It's also critical to maintaining healthy levels of oxygen in your blood.
Known to help reduce inflammation in the gut and improve digestion.
An excellent source of protein, used for building and repairing tissues.
Nutritional value in a quarter cup of Buckwheat...
(% RDA in 50g)
Absent Nutrients: Vitamin C, Vitamin B12, Vitamin A, Vitamin D, Cholesterol
Recommended Daily Allowance (RDA) % shown for adult females, as published by the NHS (UK).
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Fructose, Lactose, Fructans and Galactans are known as FODMAPs – small carbohydrates, which can be the cause of many forms of digestive discomfort. Dieticians often recommend following a low-FODMAP diet to relieve recurrent bloating, gas, cramps, diarrhea or constipation.
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